General Information on Talks, Posters, and No-Data Posters
The TeaP 2022 conference will be hosted as a virtual event on the platform MeetAnyway. For information on how to prepare your talk or poster, please go to Program. For more information on the virtual venue, please go to Venue.
We invite submissions of experimental research from all fields of psychology (e.g., cognitive, social, developmental, biological, clinical, educational, media, economic psychology or other applications) and neighboring disciplines (e.g., behavioral economics, experimental philosophy), as well as submissions of relevant methodological developments. Note that submissions that do not fit with the experimental focus of the conference might not be accepted.
To submit a symposium, you will be asked to provide an abstract for the symposium and five to six abstracts of oral presentations (these can also for now be submitted with the place holder "Abstract will be submitted later"). For the symposium abstract and each individual abstract, a maximum of 1,800 characters (including spaces) is permitted. If you have submitted a symposium with authors and titles only, please send the abstracts with a maximum of 1,800 characters (including spaces) to before November 30, 2021. This cannot be done on the submissions platform.
Submission of symposia has closed.
Submission deadline: October 31, 2021
Notification of acceptance: November 25, 2021.
Individual Contributions (Talks and Posters)
To submit an individual contribution (a talk or poster), you will be asked to provide an abstract with a maximum of 1,800 characters (including spaces).
Submission of individual contributions has closed.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2021
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2022
Poster Upload deadline: March 18, 2022 (1pm)
No-Data Posters
"No-data posters" are poster presentations of empirical research ideas in the early stages of a research project, in particular before any data have been collected (e.g., the outline of a planned PhD project or the experimental design of a novel study). The no-data poster session will be visited by a named group of senior researchers, who will provide feedback and advice on the planned research. To submit a no-data poster, you will be asked to provide an abstract with a maximum of 1,800 characters (including spaces).
Submission of no-data posters has closed.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2021
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2022
Poster Upload deadline: March 18, 2022 (1pm)